Warm Up Before Making a Sell

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Warm Up Before Making a Sell

Post by aminulislam56 »

It’s easy to fall into the habit of selling phone number library all the time, but you won’t do much of that if you’re not making a human connection with your prospects. This is why it’s essential to warm up your leads before making a hard sell.

So at the beginning of the email, you should warm up the prospect by building rapport. For example, if you reached out to them on LinkedIn and see you two went to the same university or have a degree in the same major, you can start off with mentioning that.

Or if you were referred to them by a mutual friend, then use that as a common ground.

It’s also good to use friendly language, such as “Hi” rather than “Hello” or “Dear”.

Also, always use the recipients’ first name instead of their last.

End it Off with a Powerful CTA
If you don’t ask your prospects to take action, chances are they won’t. Leaving out your call-to-action is asking for recipients to read your email and disappear – never to be heard from again.

So unless you want that to happen, you need to end off your email off with a question or request. What makes a question a good ending is that it entices the recipient to reply.

You can also ask to schedule a five-minute call. This is a lot more plausible than requesting a 30-minute call. It’s less intimidating and doesn’t demand a lot of time from their busy schedule.Image

And if they follow through with scheduling the call, you can use this as a gateway to request an in-person meeting or longer consultation call.
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