Host a contest to get your bases going – it's up to you!
Running a contest is a great way to communicate, engage and stimulate a database. It generates high response rates and creates a strong, engaging bond with your current and potential customers.
Used in lead capture, it is useful for qualifying new addresses thanks to the game form.
As a basic animation tool , it can be used to enrich data and re-qualify addresses (last name, first name, date of birth, zip code or other more specific types of information), or even to recover some addresses by opt-in update (especially older and less active @ addresses). By enriching data with information about your prospects or customers, you will be able to further personalize your future communications.
Not only will you make people happy by handing out toasters and convertibles, but you'll also reactivate addresses that no longer respond to "traditional" communications like newsletters or marketing emails... good luck!
Dataventure And since we are gamers, we have come up with 5 simple rules to organize a contest that is sure to make you win.
5 rules for organizing a contest and animating your base
Collecting new leads or encouraging your leads... that is the question. Certain game mechanics are better suited than others when it comes to encouraging an existing database or capturing potential customers.
For prospecting addresses (both for fundraising and basic animation), prefer mini-games based on simple and fun mechanics, such as a wheel of fortune , a one-handed game, or a game of reflexes or memory. The advantage vp r&d email lists of these games is that potential customers can quickly see if they have won. This has the effect of boosting engagement .
On the other hand, to stimulate your clientele, it is possible to implement somewhat more complex mechanisms, such as games based on the brand identity or photo contests that mobilize communities on social networks.
But forget about games like backgammon or GO, which require hours of practice and, above all, learning Chinese!
There are 2 ways to claim your winnings (which can be combined):
1. A drawing . At the end of the game, the grand prize winner is determined.
2. Instant winners , where the Internet user knows immediately and with each participation if he or she has won. These winning moments are random and can be limited in number or 100% winners for each participation.