What to consider when creating a corporate report for your organization

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What to consider when creating a corporate report for your organization

Post by samiaseo75 »

The corporate report is a key communication document for an organization. It reflects the situation in the form of a snapshot at the end of the financial year using financial data and graphs that are of interest to its main internal and external audiences: clients, investors, employees, etc.

In some cases, legislation requires the middle east mobile number list publication of an annual report, such as for listed companies ; in others, to comply with the Transparency Law , such as public companies, foundations, associations or other organisations. However, in most cases, the aim is to go beyond legal obligations and take advantage of the opportunity to convey key messages to interested parties , whether they are partners, collaborators, regulators, clients, etc. It is the most accessible tool for making a company presentation in a dynamic way , as it is reviewed annually.


Creating a corporate report has undeniable benefits for a company or organization . The main one is that the exercise in transparency that it entails is beneficial both internally and externally. A report or annual report is not a catalogue of services, but rather involves a more in-depth analysis and therefore requires the commitment not only of management, but also of the entire team involved in its preparation. Commercial, financial, legal, CSR, marketing data, etc. are required, which must be provided by different departments.

They must be brought together, given a structure and transmitted in an effective manner. This is a complicated task for which the support of an external communication team is always necessary .
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