Marketing in the Production Chain

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Marketing in the Production Chain

Post by sathi544 »

Formal calls, trade shows, promotional materials, more formal calls. Marketing in the supply chain for industrial production can be challenging at first. For the thousands of deals made between B2B companies, unlike those made for the B2C sector, strategies cannot be limited to shallow and expensive campaigns; they must consist of consistent actions that help your prospects with their challenges and problems.

And within this context full of challenges, can we say small business email list that there are better ways to achieve success, even with the particularities imposed on industrial marketing by its very specific audience?

Yes, and to help you, we have prepared a list with 5 initial tips that will help you define a starting point for your marketing strategy in the production chain.

1 - Answer your customers' “frequently asked questions” with complete content:

One of the best ways to get noticed and increase traffic to your B2B company website is to answer the most common questions your customers may have about your product.

Keep in mind that if a prospect is interested in learning more about a product or service offered by your company, or simply wants more information about your brand, they will likely search for similar questions on Google.

If you already have the answers to these questions on your website, Google will direct them to you. With this content available, you can even email it to your current prospects and customers. After all, you are the authority on this topic and they will take your content into consideration.

How to do this?
You can start by listing the three most common questions you receive from your potential customers during their buying journey. Think about how you would typically answer these questions. Then, transcribe your answers into a few paragraphs and publish them on your website pages or blog posts.


2 - Offer valuable content in exchange for information from your leads:
Today, prospects can be more reluctant to provide their contact information than they were 10 years ago. Even so, phone numbers and emails are an important “currency” when it comes to generating leads, and prospects will only “pay” you under one condition: that you offer some content that is valuable to them in return.

As a B2B marketing agency, our strongest lead generation tactic is to offer downloadable content. What kind of useful and interesting information can you compile and make available on your website in exchange for contact information? What kind of information is relevant to your business? Use your content as a currency for the “permission” to contact your prospects.

How to do this?
Talk to your sales team. Gather a few pages of relevant content that you use in your sales or institutional materials that offer value to your potential customer during their buying journey. Add a call to action, an eye-catching headline, and work with your marketing team to place this material on a landing page on your website.

Marketing in the Production Chain

3 - Use advertising methods that bring more return, at a lower cost
Have you ever tried advertising in a magazine in your industry? If so, you must have realized that advertising like this is not cheap. Sometimes a quarter-page ad can cost a fortune, and most likely, it will only be seen once by your potential customer.

Monitoring whether this action was successful is also not an easy task. Did you know that many of these magazines offer banner ads on their websites, marketing emails, newsletters, etc., for just under 10 to 20% of the total value of the physical ad?

Because these ads are clickable, the results for measuring campaigns of this type are much more assertive compared to print advertising.

If you still have doubts about the effectiveness of this type of advertising, try it out. Create an ad that directs the reader to a lead capture page on your website.

Since the investment in online advertising is much lower than in print, if the campaign is unsuccessful, you will not suffer significant losses in your budget. However, we are sure that the return will be satisfactory.

Furthermore, with this action, your company will gain more knowledge among the public and will also create an opportunity to collect more relevant information about your prospect.

How to do this?
Contact a trade magazine and request a quote to advertise a banner on your website and in your newsletters. Request information such as website traffic, visits, number of clicks and email openings, etc., and evaluate the opportunity. Let the campaign run for three months with the correct measurement system to gauge its effectiveness. Then, evaluate the results.

4 - Use a CRM system to manage your leads:
Do you really know what your customer’s relationship with your company is like? It’s quite possible that it’s actually positive, but without a tool to actually assess the quality of the relationship, your team will be more vulnerable to making decisions in the dark.

CRM systems like Salesforce, Hubspot, or SugarCRM offer features like recording information, emails, and more so you can follow up later and send reminders to your mailing list. In short, a good CRM can increase your sales by ensuring that no prospect is forgotten.

How to do this?
Try a free demo of HubSpot - one of the best sales, CRM and inbound marketing software on the market. Seeing the software in action can help you get a sense of how a CRM system can help improve the supply chain's purchasing journey.
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