Advertising without cookies: what will happen next?

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Advertising without cookies: what will happen next?

Post by Rajulk985 »

Without third-party cookies, a new era for advertising will begin , with companies and advertisers forced to face new challenges. Since the “crumbs” with which we have been accustomed to following our users will no longer exist, it will be necessary to find new ways to do retargeting. This is where zero-party data comes into play once again: for example, by uploading your list of email addresses to the main platforms, such as Meta or Google, you can do remarketing with personalized offers for that specific segment .

Furthermore, contextual advertising will increasingly conquer space . These are targeted advertisements that convey specific messages based on the content viewed by the user at that moment. To achieve this result, contextual advertising makes great use of artificial intelligence, especially with regard to natural language processing, machine learning and other parameters.

Google Ads itself, first of all, is increasingly based on machine benefits of sms marketing learning. So much so that today it is possible to obtain great results in terms of advertising by relying on what the platform has learned from the campaigns run over time.

In conclusion
As much as web users are eagerly awaiting the cookieless future, companies are not. The fact that the ways of tracking users along their journey will change will inevitably lead to an increase in advertising costs. However, this does not mean that everything will be dark, on the contrary: advertisers will face new challenges, but there is plenty of time to prepare by starting to collect zero-party data and first-party data today , as well as to start fully exploiting the platforms to improve opportunities for the near future.


Psychographic Segmentation Can Help You Improve Your Marketing Strategy. Here's What It Is and Everything You Should Know
Psychographic segmentation is a segmentation technique in which groups are formed based on common psychological characteristics such as lifestyle, social status, activities, interests, opinions and behaviors which in turn influence purchasing and consumption habits .

Any company and/or organization that intends to better understand its consumers can divide its database according to this methodology . Psychographic segmentation is also one of the most effective methods, together with demographic and geographic segmentation.
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