Identify search intent

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Identify search intent

Post by ahbappy250 »

In addition to finding long-tail keywords and low-competition keywords , knowing the intent of your target keywords is valuable data to consider in the planning stage of any search campaign.

When you find a transactional target free korean number for whatsapp keyword , you can infer that people who use these search terms have a higher intent to take action and therefore convert on your site. For example, "where to buy a guitar" is a transactional search.

When you have an informational keyword , you can infer that people want to learn something or gather information through their Google search. An example of this intent would be “how to tune a guitar.”

While informational search queries don’t explicitly represent a user in the purchasing cycle (like transactional queries do), they still represent opportunities for brand awareness .


That person searching for how to tune a guitar will become aware and appreciate the brand that offers the most helpful guitar tuning videos. They may remember that brand in the future if they need help purchasing a new guitar or guitar accessories.

With this knowledge, you can map your website marketing strategy for the right keyword intent and serve people better content.
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