Naming a new business can be an easy or difficult task. It depends, among other things, on your own imagination, whether the name you have thought of is not reserved by another , and even whether the sector your company will serve allows you to make a more or less clever play on words.
However, for many entrepreneurs, the first obstacle is usually due to ignorance, although fortunately it is easy to overcome. It is simply the difference between the company name and the trademark. Because many people overlook that these are two different processes, with different objectives:
The company name
The corporate name is the name of the company, which appears in the freight forwarders brokers email lists deeds signed by the partners before a notary.
It is requested at the Central Commercial Registry (RMC), which, upon granting it, delivers a document that must be attached to the deeds.
It does not necessarily have to be associated with your work, as you are only required to use it in contracts and invoices that are the responsibility of the company.
The brand is the name by which users or customers will know your product or service.
It may or may not coincide with the company name, but trademark registration is different and is done in another body: the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM).
The processes for creating a company name in the RMC and registering the name in the OEPM are independent and you can do them in the order you prefer. Unless you want the company to be the owner of the brand, because for that the company must be incorporated before requesting the registration of the brand.
The company name can be requested at the RMC, either in person, by mail or online. You can include up to five names in your application, in order of preference, and they will grant you the first one that does not already have an owner. The concession is valid for a period of three months. If you do not register the company with a notary in that time, you will have to submit your application again, which costs just over 15 euros .