Netflix, Spotify and Coolblue are of course the Champions League when it comes to customer experience and personalization. Even if you do not (yet) belong to this League, you can as a marketer quite easily start with personalization, and thus take the customer experience to a higher level. I will tell you how to get started with personalization in four simple steps.
Let's go back a bit, what is personalization?
Where as a marketer you could previously only send a general message or offer to all your (potential) customers, you can now personalize your offer and message and tailor it exactly to their specific needs and expectations. You offer unique and relevant content and functionalities to a visitor, based on data such as company data or previous visits and interactions. Think of an offer that matches previous search behavior or the family composition of the website visitor. Result: an ultimate customer experience.
Anyone can start personalizing a website. Okay, you're not immediately a Netflix, Coolblue, Spotify or Amazon. But you don't have to be. What isn't, can still come. The most important thing is that you start. And start at the beginning. The extent to which you can apply personalization can be roughly divided into four categories.
four categories of personalization.
No personalization. That goes without germany telegram data saying. Your offer is the same for all visitors.
Target group-oriented personalization. You set up (manually) segmentation criteria yourself with which you can distinguish and subdivide a group of (potential) customers.
Automatic personalization : Based on the (online) behavior of a visitor, a segmentation into target groups is automatically created.
1-on-1 personalization . That is personalization at its best. Think of Spotify's Your Discover Weekly. This is really tailored to you as an individual.
One-time or returning visitors?
Before you start, it is also good to consider whether personalization is useful for the type of visitors that come to your website. Are they mainly one-time visitors or do they return to your website? With returning visitors, you build up data with every visit, provided that the visitor accepts cookies, and you can increasingly tailor your offer to their wishes.
Get started in four steps
1. What do you want to achieve? (define the goal)
As is often the case, personalization also starts with a plan. What is your goal, who do you want to reach and what do you want to achieve with that specific group? These are questions you should ask yourself first. Personalization is not a goal in itself, it is a means to achieve your business, marketing or sales objectives.