Learn the different meanings of the word tax and what the main taxes in Spain are.
The verbs “engrave” and “graver” should not be confused (“grave” comes from “grave,” which in Latin means “heavy”).
In Spain there are taxes levied on different types of transactions. All of them must comply with a set of principles established by the Spanish Constitution.
Confusing “record” with “engrave” is a spelling mistake. Reliefs, discs, films, audio narrations, and even memories are recorded. This is the most common meaning of the two cyprus email list homophones. These two words, although they sound the same, are pronounced differently and do not mean the same thing.
In reality, they belong to different fields. The term tax is specific to the legal world and is used in the civil and other fields, such as taxation. In this sense, it is important to bear in mind that they do not always mean the same thing.
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The colloquial meaning of the term tax
Gravar comes from grave , which in Latin, the language from which the word comes, means heavy . From there come words like burdensome ; something that generates expense or damage (the second meaning of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ). Even more generally, the first meaning indicates that something burdensome is something annoying.
We could therefore understand taxing as the action contrary to the colloquial expression " to take a weight off one's shoulders" . It is, in short, what is done when a situation is established in which someone will have to accept some expense, inconvenience or limitation.
What does taxing mean in legal terms?
In the private legal field , it is used with diverse and even imprecise meanings. Thus, for example, it is said that it is taxed:
Property with some real right that limits it , such as usufruct, for example.
A real right with some type of burden that may benefit a person or the holders of a real right over a certain thing.
A person is required to perform a certain service.
Start of marked textTweet it! Don't confuse taxing with recording! We explain what the term taxing means and how it is applied in taxes.End of marked text
Taxation in the fiscal sphere
In fiscal terms, taxing is understood in the sense of imposing on a person (a taxpayer ) a monetary benefit that is required by the Administration. However, its use is also quite flexible , especially with regard to the timing.
Sometimes it is related to the establishment of taxes or even to mere projects . Thus, for example, it is said that a law taxes a certain operation or that the Government intends to tax it.
The verb to tax is also used when a new tax comes into force or becomes payable . For example, from a certain date onwards, a newly created tax will tax a specific taxable event.
Another common use is the one referring to the time of accrual . Thus, for example, it appears when we refer to taxable transactions.
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What is taxed in Spain?
Within the taxes, there are four main categories:
Taxes , which are paid without having the right to any compensation.
Fees , the payment of which gives the right to some service or to some private use or special use of the public domain.
Special contributions . These are established in cases where certain properties increase in value due to a public project or as a result of the establishment or expansion of public services.
Social Security contributions , which have certain characteristics in common with both taxes and fees. The mere fact of paying them does not generate the right to benefits. This depends on the regulations in force at the time of the contingency and compliance with the conditions. However, to access contributory benefits, the payment of contributions is a requirement.
In addition, our tax system revolves around a series of principles. One of them is that each person will contribute to the support of public expenditures according to his or her economic capacity . In this sense, taxes are classified as follows:
Direct , which tax a direct manifestation of economic capacity, such as obtaining income or owning assets.
Indirect taxes , which tax an indirect manifestation of economic capacity, such as the consumption, use or circulation of that income.
Direct taxes
The main direct taxes are those that tax the income obtained . Residents pay personal income tax (if they are individuals) or corporate tax (in the case of legal entities). In both cases, the income obtained by these taxpayers anywhere in the world is taxed. In addition, there is a tax on the income of non-residents , who only pay for certain incomes obtained in Spain.
But direct taxation does not stop there. There are various types of tax, including inheritance and gift tax , which taxes lucrative transfers.
Indirect taxes
The most important indirect tax is VAT . This taxes the supply of goods and services by businessmen and professionals.
What does it mean to tax?
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