ARTICLE: The 4.0 era and transformations in internal communication

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ARTICLE: The 4.0 era and transformations in internal communication

Post by shuklamojumder093 »

The 4.0 revolution , which has been present in the markets, behaviors and management of several companies in recent years, arrived with greater force in 2019. With so many transformations, communication also needed to adapt to this new era, including that aimed at the internal public. Tools and channels for dialogue with employees gained new formats, objectives, processes and, therefore, results.

With the changes promoted in this context, three essential characteristics for the relationship with employees gained prominence: content curation, employee experience and measurement of results.

The first manages the information that permeates the organization.

The second works on the employee experience, so that they identify with the company and feel comfortable being part of it; and the third deals with measuring results.

After all, it is not enough to just invest in new models within the institution, it is necessary to identify results and share them with leaders and other employees.

Being a content curator means transforming a massive amount vp purchasing officer email lists of information into something that makes sense to employees.


After all, every 60 seconds, 168 million emails are sent worldwide, 600 videos are posted on YouTube , and 1500 texts are published on blogs, according to information from Go-Globe, from 2017.

Another point that makes curation even more relevant is the fact that content cannot simply be “forwarded” to collaborators without contextualization.

It is necessary for the employee to understand the relevance of the material provided and its relationship with the products and services provided by the company.

Still in the context of internal communication 4.0, the second characteristic is to promote human experiences and, for this to happen, it is necessary to connect people even more, so that they can contribute to the necessary transformations. In this sense, employees must be encouraged to create, give their opinions and “show their work”.

Everyone now has a voice, participates in management and feels part of the business, important and aligned with the company's purposes.

Organizations that manage to involve their employees in this process have more collaborative teams and, consequently, become more profitable.

A study carried out by the consultancy Aon Hewitt, for example, concluded that engagement is related to productivity: organizations that have a high level of engagement are 78% more productive and 48% more profitable.

It is also necessary to measure how transformative the communication process is being for everyone in the company. It is through numbers, algorithms and concrete results that it will be possible to define the next strategy for corporate communication.

Companies that believe in and invest in this, that follow the innovations brought by Industry 4.0 and that involve their employees in the organization's internal processes, tend to remain more competitive in this technological market. At this point, internal communication becomes strategic in corporations, no longer just informative, but mainly seeking to make teams more efficient, engaged and productive.
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