We’ve all been there: running marketing and advertising activities across multiple channels, each one storing contact data and analytics in siloes. Combining disparate data is a headache, with only 31% of marketers fully satisfied with their ability to unify customer data sources, according to the latest Salesforce State of Marketing Report.
Anton Minnion headshot
Anton Minnion
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3D eBook cover with text Salesforce Data Cloud 101: Mastering Your Customer Data PlatformFree ResourceDownload now
Table of Contents
What is ‘unified data’?
How to consolidate data in Marketing Cloud
Let’s flip that statistic on its head. A whopping 69% of marketers aren’t able to fully unify customer data sources!
This means, more likely than not, you’re one of the bulgaria phone code majority struggling to unite your Marketing Cloud data. There are a handful of reasons why this might be, including:
Juggling a variety of marketing tools (an average of 8)
Technical challenges with integrating many platforms
Stretched in-house resources and competing priorities
And more…
Before we dive into tackling the challenge of unifying Marketing Cloud data with third-party systems, let’s be clear about what ‘unified data’ actually means.
What is ‘unified data’?
In a nutshell, you have achieved a state of unified data if all of the customer and prospect data from the various technologies you use, exists in a central location.
What this means, is that you have a complete picture of each contact and that different departments can access the same information to inform their business activities.