Also, the owner and account manager need to be on the same page to understand the client’s goals and the solutions they recommend. I’ve seen owners overpromise agency capabilities and/or underquote work to get the job. This hurts the relationship down the line when the agency is not able to deliver or has to do some of the work for free. Both scenarios reflect badly on the account manager and the agency as a whole.Client tip: Be sure to engage the account manager in your discussions, even when the owner is doing the majority of the presenting.
level of the manager’s expertise and their ability to communicate switzerland phone number example it to you. Once on board, the owner will be off to the next client pitch and you’ll be dealing with the manager. You need to make sure your comfort level is as strong with the account manager as it is with the owner.HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT:Client and Content Agency Share Insider Tips to Successful RelationshipFind Your Agency-Client Groove With a Contract That Sets the Right Rhythm [Video] The content marketing strategyThe content marketing strategy may be the biggest piece of the relationship-building process.
It grounds and drives all programs and successes. It’s important that both sides agree to the strategy and messaging before the agency moves forward. If not, the agency won’t succeed and the client relationship will deteriorate.Beth Kapes, president of Moving Words Into Action, understands better than most the importance of the strategy. Companies call her to fix programs when there was no initial strategy or the agency drifted away from the plan. She offers this advice:Strategizing who you are as a brand and crafting the messaging that’s most important for your audience is imperative before beginning any content marketing initiative.