Among the conclusions, it is worth highlighting that it is female spending that grows the most during these typical consumption dates. So much so that, over the last six years, on New Year's Eve, women's consumption grew by 101% compared to 82% for men. Not to mention that, although women increase their spending, it is men who spend the most money on their purchases on these days, even tripling the spending of women. Thus, for example, on Black Friday, men spent 71% and women 29%.
Analyzing generational profiles, seniors are the list of find your cell phone numbers ones who have increased their spending the most. And although they are the most committed to traditional dates, they are also, little by little, adhering to more digital dayketings . As an example, on Singles' Day, from 2016 to 2021 Seniors have increased their spending by 103% compared to 36% of Millennials. Generation X, those born between 61 and 80, is the one that spends the most on most dayketings, whether traditional or imported, mainly driven by their active life and greater purchasing power. A generation that, on Valentine's Day in the last six years, spent three times more than Seniors.
Alfonso Saez Alonso-Muñumer , Director – General Manager of Bankinter Consumer Finance, said that “it is important to highlight that the pandemic has changed certain consumer habits which, far from decreasing or disappearing, have migrated to other channels and other types of purchases. Physical purchases have been replaced by digital purchases in recent years and spending, for example, has changed from restaurants to supermarkets due to Covid.
Who spends more on these special dates?
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