When they see an ad with an engaging image, they’re more likely to stop and read. And, if your ad copy is strong you have a better chance of getting more clicks and conversations.
Post copy and images are the one-two punch of moj database Facebook advertising. If they work in unison, then you won’t have any problems attracting potential clients and customers.
Best practices: Depending on the ad you’re creating, you will have to follow Facebook’s image guidelines for sizing. Choose an image with eye-catching colors or imagery.
20 percent of your image is allowed to have copy on it, so take advantage of it. Include roundels or special offers that are likely to attract more interest and attention.
Make sure your image is directly related to the content of your ad. Remember, copy and images work hand-in-hand. Don’t confuse your reader with an image not relevant to your copy.
A good headline can help prop up a weaker image. If your company doesn’t have a lot of visuals, a headline can help you draw in customers who may not be as taken with your image as you’d like them to be.
Best practices: For some clients, a compelling headline is enough to make them click through without hesitation. Don’t give them a reason to hesitate. Try out some of these great headline writing tips:
Tell them the benefits: Don’t beat around the bush. If you’re offering a free e-book download, say it loud and say it proud.
Use second person (“You”): This gets the reader directly involved. For example, say, “five things you need to know about SEO” not “five things people need to know about SEO”.
Call users to action: Make your copy compel users to act. Invite them to get involved with your webinar or provide commentary. Alternatively, you can complement the call to action button with more information/benefits of your product/offering.
Do not use clickbait headlines: You know the type. “You’ll never believe what this stay-at-home mom discovered.” Users that click will discover that your content doesn’t quite live up to the hype, and as a result, clicking on your content altogether.