Social media images: where is their importance?

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Social media images: where is their importance?

Post by rokassha.k.h@11 »

It is becoming easier to create and share images online, which is why using images on social media is one of the most important tools to increase our engagement .

A picture is worth a thousand words... Yes, I know, this phrase is not mine, but it has been with us for decades.

We always try to get a lot of Retweets for our honduras mobile phone numbers database Twitter posts , a high number of +1s on Google Plus, or tons of likes on Facebook.

One of the ways to achieve this is through images.

I bet you've checked your favorite social network without reading, well, without paying much attention.

You've just been scrolling through posts until one has made you stop and pause.

Surely that post that made you stop and focus on it, has an image.

The use of images on social media seeks precisely that, to transmit an emotion and incite action.

Reaching your reader in just a few seconds and getting them interested in your post can make you stand out from the rest of the posts.

We don't read, we scan.
But why are we so attracted to social media images?
We are biologically programmed to capture everything around us visually.

“The brain processes an image 60,000 times faster than text”
Our head assimilates more easily the information that reaches it visually, for the simple reason that it is easier to process and understand.

We have an innate ability to retain visual information:

We retain 80% of what we see and only 20% of what we read or 10% of what we hear.
90% of the information our brain receives is visual.
Think about these two social networks, Pinterest and Instagram .
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