Halfway between a conference and a festival, SXSW provides shelter each year in Austin, Texas, to a plethora of ideas directly related to music, film and technology.
At the latest edition of SXSW, which opened on March 8 and will close this Saturday, ubiquitous artificial intelligence (AI) is taking center stage and is, in fact, the star of many new products and services (permeated with a thick futuristic patina) that have been presented during the course of the event.
Here are some of the most curious ideas that have made their way to SXSW this year:
Artificial intelligence indonesia number screening to resurrect the dead
Several companies have presented very similar ideas at SXSW, with a focus on the (digital) "resurrection" of deceased people . For example, the New Zealand company Soul Machines has shown an AI that supposedly recreates the actress Marilyn Monroe in a very realistic way .
The artificial intelligence that brings the iconic American singer back to life is actually a “biological AI” that has been developed by Soul Machines with the invaluable help of ChatGPT 3.5. This AI, which has been created with the consent of Marilyn Monroe’s descendants, is able to interact with the actress’s fans and answer questions.