Great Communication: Start with Style and then add Substance

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Great Communication: Start with Style and then add Substance

Post by Joyzfsddt66 »

Coming back to my efforts to persuade my husband, my natural style is Intuitor. I'm always raving on about the latest article I've read and the improvements we can make if we adopt a particular new idea. Now, Phil is a Thinker through and through. So, he's never naturally going to want to respond to any of my ideas immediately, especially if I haven't laid a methodical, systematic basis for my suggestion.

These days, I present my opinion in a quiet, detailed and self-contained way. And, instead of trying to force a quick response from Phil, I say… ‘Have a think about it and we can follow it up tomorrow.’ Lo and behold, when ghana whatsapp phone number I raise the issue again the following day, guess what? More often than not, he agrees with my suggestion.

Final Thoughts…

At a gut level, I guess we’re talking about how we make people feel. We’re talking about self-awareness and the capacity to change our communication style.

Both are difficult issues to grapple with and very few of us seem to master them. Imagine what you could achieve in your career if you became one of that rare breed: someone who is genuinely charming, someone to whom people naturally gravitate.

Tuning in to another person's style allows you to adapt your own approach to better connect with the other party. This allows you to move to the elite level: you assess the preferred style of your interviewer and change your own style and content to match so that she feels at ease and enjoys the interaction.


Catherine Cunningham is the author of My Career Rules! and is one of Australia's leading career experts. She appears regularly in The Weekend Australian Careers section, in The Advertiser's Careers, as well as in online publications such as, and
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