Consider the human resources available to carry out your actions:

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Consider the human resources available to carry out your actions:

Post by Habib01 »

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Step 5: Organize your sales team

It is crucial to assign clear responsibilities to the members of your sales greece whatsapp shopping data team or to the collaborators who support you in executing the commercial strategy.

The size of your team ,
The level of commitment of each member,
Its autonomy ,
Your motivation ,
And if they need additional training .
The most important thing is to make sure that each task is in the hands of the most suitable person.

Our advice If you want to boost your company's growth and improve its turnover, surround yourself with highly qualified people who share the values ​​and vision of your business.

Step 6: Evaluate actions and adjust strategy

Implementing a business strategy without monitoring key KPIs is unfeasible. These indicators offer a quick and accurate view of progress towards your goals.

Some of the KPIs you can use include:

Number of registrations on your landing page,
Number of incoming and outgoing calls ,
Average value per purchase ,
Customer retention rate , among others.
Our advice Record these KPIs on a dashboard to track the performance of your business action plan . This will allow you to identify both achievements and areas that require adjustments.

As you implement your plan, review and adjust your strategy as needed to adapt to market conditions. Your team's motivation will depend on achieving clear and realistic goals , which will boost their productivity and satisfaction.

4 examples of business strategy

1- Cross-selling to increase value per customer

Cross-selling involves offering additional products to existing or prospective customers in order to maximize the value of each customer . This allows for increased sales and improved company profitability by leveraging already-established relationships. In addition, this strategy can increase loyalty by providing more comprehensive solutions to customer needs.
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