"There are bots that send requests from the site to the manager in Telegram, there is a bot that parses competitors' prices, there are chat bots for technical support. But these are all custom solutions, they are created at the request of the company, and everything that is for the mass user is, by and large, fun. </p><p>SMM specialists use Telegram as another channel, but if you do not adapt the content to it, there will be little profit. There are no likes or comments, only subscriptions and views, a kind of marker of user interest.</p><p> There are also chats, they are great for communication in a highly specialized environment, as well sweden whatsapp number list as for connecting users with technical support, or for forming interest groups (books, movies, music, comics). And brands can work with their audience through chats, communicate with them, collect feedback. Standard advertising formats do not work if we are talking about Telegram and messengers in general. More complex, opaque mechanics are needed here. More native, less in-your-face advertising"
Unreasonably expensive
Anton Protsenko believes that all channels in Telegram can be divided into three types - authorial, high-quality thematic and thematic garbage. Advertising is sold everywhere, although there are a few exceptions among the authorial ones.
Author channels have a large audience and a high price for placement. "Advertising channels in them is almost never justified, in my opinion - the ratio of price (it can reach 10 thousand) to the number of future subscribers on the advertised channel is too high," he reflects. "However, if you advertise goods and services in them, the effectiveness increases dramatically."
Anton notes that there is little analytics at the moment, but it exists. There are bots that help channel administrators monitor subscriber growth. In the near future, Telegram will introduce the ability to conduct polls and attach a block with emotions (like-dislike) for channels.
With the help of link shorteners, you can find out relatively detailed data about those who clicked on them - geography, devices, etc. There is nothing more yet, but I think that soon bots will be allowed to collect information about views - and this seems to be the limit - "this is not VK" with promo posts and databases for retargeting.
author of the channel Digital Eva
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- Joined: Tue Jan 07, 2025 4:12 am