Marketing buzzwords of 2013
Horse meat, the Libor fraud, Lance Armstrong, NSA, Alpe d'Huzes… and that was only 2013! We can no longer trust anything or anyone. We also distrust advertising (because of this) and at the same time show advertising-avoiding behavior due to the rise of interactive TV, downloads, ad blockers, Netflix and other forms of content on demand .
That's why content marketing and 'native' advertising were the marketing buzzwords of 2013: the alternative to the decreasing effectiveness of push advertising. Advertisers try to add something to the online experience of consumers. In doing so, they are forced to find a good balance between what the consumer would like to hear, see, experience or share and what the advertiser himself wants to tell. Below are a few examples. Yunomi (Unilever), a (failed) Upcoming edition with Hema and buy bulgaria whatsapp number database Gamma, an advertorial by Ziggo on and of course a Facebook newsfeed ad .
Native advertising and content marketing examples
Native Advertising and Content Marketing Examples
It ain't social until I'm sharing it
Social is an important element for successful content marketing and 'native' advertising. A social (read: human) reference such as a like, share, pin, (re)tweet, post, review or positive comment contributes to the credibility of the message and works as a multiplier of the reach. In this context, social is not a social channel (such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram), but behavior: wanting to share and spread information with people in your network. Positive or negative, and regardless of the online environment someone is in.
And therein lies a major opportunity for advertisers: creating reach for your content by letting go of Facebook as the default – or even sole – distribution platform for your content.