Technology in childhood: what are the limits?

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Technology in childhood: what are the limits?

Post by bitheerani93 »

How many children do you know who have free access to smartphones, computers, tablets and video games? I bet you can remember at least one little one who enjoyed technology as a child.

Children's contact with digital devices is not exactly a problem. But the greece whatsapp list in which this use occurs – often becoming an addiction – can cause complications for children's physical and mental health. That is why this issue needs to be discussed .

Does technology in childhood have the right results?
The answer to this question depends on several factors. We certainly cannot imagine a childhood completely free of technological devices these days, but it is necessary to constantly rethink the limits of such interaction.

Raising a child is always a challenge, at this point, we must understand that as adults, we are entirely responsible for the habits that minors foster. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the restrictions that should be applied in the case of technology use in childhood.

According to decisions by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (SBP), it is recommended that children only begin to have direct contact with digital equipment from 1 year and 6 months of age.

In general, it is also not recommended that children spend more than 2 consecutive hours interacting with these media, respecting time intervals according to the age of the individual in question.

What are the dangers of overexposure?
According to Canadian therapist Chris Rowan, excessive use of technology in childhood can cause a number of problems. Attention deficits, learning difficulties, cognitive delays and difficulties in dealing with negative emotions, such as anger, are among the items on this list.

Additionally, overexposure can also lead to difficulty sleeping and obesity, depending on the child's level of dependence.

How to make this experience healthy?
For technology in childhood to be beneficial, care must begin at home. In this sense, only parents – or guardians – are able to establish rules for the use of technological devices and encourage healthy interaction.

Regarding this issue, it is not only the time of use that is being considered, but also the way in which the child accesses it. We know that the Internet is a free field through which information from various aspects circulates, much of it carrying dangerous content for users who navigate this vast digital world.

Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor usage, checking which applications your child is accessing and for what purposes. And for this, there are already control tools available on the market, such as Spyzie and Kids Place, for example.
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