Another strategy you can follow

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Another strategy you can follow

Post by mstaklimakhatunbd66@ »

Another type of user for whom we should appear at the top of the search results is one who has visited our shopping cart or an important page on our website. These users show a high interest in our business, so if they search again on Google, we understand that it is because they are still making a decision. In this case, we should place our ad high up to get their attention again.

The list of users who have simply visited us in the past is also very interesting. Personally, I like to increase the bid by at least 10% for this audience.

Finally, if we are not sure about the percentages to buy paraguay number database implement, we can start with bid adjustments of, for example, +5% for general users, +10% for users who visit the shopping cart and +15% for users who have made a purchase. After having done this, we let the campaign run and observe how the different types of users behave without making major changes to the bids. Once we see how it works, we can decide to increase the values ​​even further.

is to bid very high to attract new users and make a negative bid adjustment for returning users. This works especially well in sectors where the CPC is very high. We invest a lot in the first click and then get users to return through a normal remarketing campaign with banners.

It is even possible to create negative user lists and completely block a user from returning to the search as long as they do not delete their cookies or change devices or browsers.
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