Email retargeting

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Email retargeting

Post by udoy120 »

Retargeting professionals will tell you: emailing is THE ancestral channel when it comes to advertising retargeting. Even though this practice has existed for many years, it is still widely used. This is particularly the case in B2C, and more specifically in the Retail sector (you know, the famous abandoned cart campaigns?).

In B2B, it is also one of the most efficient channels (and the most profitable, compared to the cost of advertising campaigns managed by the agencies!). If you want to bet on this channel, two options are available to you:

Email retargeting managed by a third party, with usa email list external data : this practice requires the association of an IP with an email address. The question of consent then arises, for this type of solicitation not compliant with the GDPR .
Email retargeting managed by the company, with its own data (we are talking about first party data): the data collected is that of visitors, who have given their authorization when filling out an opt-in form (for example by subscribing to your newsletter).
Much more GDPR-friendly, this second method allows you to be in full compliance with the law, while being autonomous, without depending on a management company. This is what Plezi offers: from our marketing automation solution, the behavioral and demographic data of your prospects allows you to send ultra-personalized emails. What more could you ask for?

How much does retargeting cost?
Because we're talking about "advertising", we imagine that retargeting costs a fortune. And that by choosing this methodology, it's the entire marketing budget that will have to be sacrificed. Rest assured: this is not the case.

Retargeting is not as expensive as you might think. Even if the notion of “low cost” is relative, depending on the company. So, to do your calculations, focus on the average basket of your buyers and your estimated ROI.
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