7 Most Common Sales Myths

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7 Most Common Sales Myths

Post by bitheerani93 »

Myth 1: Salespeople are born, not made
It's not true. No one is a natural salesperson. It takes training and commitment to become a successful sales professional. Of course, there are people who are gifted with words and tend to get along with people. They may like to build relationships, but that's just the first step. Consistent training and coaching is what makes you a great salesperson.

Myth 2: Closing the deal at all costs
People assume that salespeople close every deal they get, even if it's not in the best interest of the company.

If you are not making the desired profit on a particular sale, you bahamas phone number list consider whether it is a good idea to accept it. Above all, there are many SMBs that offer significant discounts to a larger company in the hopes of generating subsequent sales in the future. Unfortunately, they end up giving away their services and expertise because they are not getting any more business from that company. They refused to negotiate a deal in advance.

Therefore, sellers should close only suitable deals.

Myth 3: Customers always look for a better price
This is not always the case. Higher prices can lead to greater advantages for the buyer. It is necessary to make the client understand our value proposition and, above all, the benefits and impact that our solution brings to their company.

Remember that if the client perceives the value of the solution , they will always have the budget to acquire it .

Myth 4: Selling is an action verb
Another common myth is that selling is an action. However, it is the result of all the actions taken in an organization. It is much more complex and requires study with constant evaluation to be successful.

Myth 5: Salespeople need to have a talent for lying
This is probably the biggest myth about sales. Many believe that a salesperson has to have incredible talent to lie and get a customer to make a purchase decision.

One of the reasons behind this may be that the salesperson has not gained the client's trust. But it is not correct to generalize this myth to the entire sales sector. Above all, one of the pillars of consultative selling is to generate trust with the client and a long-term relationship. It is proven that the greatest income comes from subsequent sales once the salesperson is perceived by the client as a Partner.

Therefore, only really bad salespeople lie.

Myth 6: Salespeople don't need industry knowledge
As we have said, a good salesperson has to position themselves as a partner to the client. To do this, they have to be an expert in the solutions they offer and have a good understanding of their client's sector and industry. Sales professionals have to constantly invest time to adapt to technological advances and trends in order to become relevant to the buyer. No matter how expert you claim to be,
you can always learn more. Knowledge is power.

Myth 7: Marketing replaces sales
Marketing is definitely not a replacement for sales. In fact, the two departments should work closely together. If marketing and sales teams are not aligned and coordinated, this can affect sales funnels and result in a huge loss of company resources. When the potential customer calls or contacts the company, this means that marketing has done its job. Now the salesperson's job is to capitalize on it.
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