What is CTR (Click Through Rate)?

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What is CTR (Click Through Rate)?

Post by bitheerani93 »

Click-through rate (CTR) is a metric that measures how many times a link is clicked compared to how many times it has been viewed.

Today, competition for public attention is intense. Companies of all sizes spend significant budgets on advertising campaigns that seek to reach more people. However, launching a campaign does not guarantee its effectiveness or ensure that it is optimized to meet its objectives.

To measure the performance of these campaigns, the CTR (Click Through Rate) has uruguay phone number list an important metric. The CTR not only indicates the number of people who interact with your ads, but also reflects the interest and relevance they have for the public.

In this sense, monitoring CTR allows you to obtain an accurate view of the success of your campaign and detect areas for improvement. If the results do not meet expectations, this metric offers you the necessary signals to adjust your strategy, thus achieving better performance and, ultimately, getting closer to the desired objectives.
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