The finished pyramid and other materials can be downloaded in the section of your Yandex Business personal account. How to ask customers to share their impressions is described in the article “How to Properly Motivate Customers to Leave Reviews” . How a martial arts club attracts clients looking for classes close to home We tell you how Yandex Business helps Zaleev Fight Team stand out from its competitors and recruit groups for training.
Image of article How a martial arts club attracts clients looking for classes close to home When I wanted to open a club, my father, an entrepreneur, said that any business starts on a piece of paper. We took a piece of paper, drew, counted. "Let's do it?" - "Well, let's try." That's how I ended up in business. Georgy Zaleev Owner of the martial arts club "Zaleev malaysia telegram mobile phone number list Fight Team" in Moscow Georgy opened his first club together with a friend, and then decided to develop separately Before creating a martial arts club and recruiting his first group of students, Georgy spent five years practicing combat sambo.
He began training at the university: after classes at the law faculty, he went to the gym, practiced punches and mastered new techniques. Georgy continued practicing sambo after his studies. He combined training with work in the prosecutor's office, and then in his father's company. In 2009, Georgy quit, and a year later, he opened a martial arts club with an acquaintance. At that time, martial arts were becoming popular, but all the clubs were state-owned.