Small businesses and people interested in developing a personal brand often ask what steps need to be taken to create a positive reputation in the market and protect their brand. We have tried to highlight the most important points that will help you in systematically working with your reputation.
Let people start respecting you
Do everything possible to win over your azerbaijan mobile phone numbers database partners and clients. Trust is a perishable commodity, so you must constantly make efforts to maintain it.
Make your business transparent
There are many examples of companies going to great lengths to save their reputations after hiding criticism for a long time.
Let's recall the sensational story of a few years ago, when the Nestle company received a whole barrage of criticism with an environmental context. The company experienced a real media attack initiated by the Greenpeace society in relation to the Nestle brand - Kit Kat.
The video, with the famous slogan “There’s a break, there’s a Kit Kat,” hinted at the use of palm oil in the production of the product.
How to achieve multiple growth in traffic and sales from your website?
Alexey Boyarkin
Dmitry Svistunov
Head of SEO and Development
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I have always been concerned about the issue of moving to a fundamentally new level. So that the indicators would grow not by 2 or 3 times, but by several orders of magnitude. From a thousand visits to ten thousand or from ten thousand to a hundred thousand, if we are talking about a website, for example.
And I know that such leaps are always the result of painstaking work in five areas:
Technical condition of the site.
Collection of site semantics.
Creating useful content.
Working on conversion.
And at the same time, every manager needs an increase in sales and the number of applications from the site at the moment.
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Greenpeace conducted its own investigation and found out that Nestle used palm oil from Indonesia, which is prohibited by law. The activists released their own version of the video, in which a tired office manager bites into a Kit Kat bar, which in fact turns out to be a bloody finger of an orangutan. The context was that orangutans are threatened with extinction precisely because of the deforestation used in the production of palm oil.
Nestle removed the video from YouTube. However, this only increased the wave of criticism on social networks. Facebook users were unhappy with the removal of the Kit Kat logo from the fan page, which had by then been changed to Killer.
The Greens posted the video on Vimeo and received more than 78,000 views within hours. Nestle was forced to suspend shipments of butter from Indonesia and organize dozens of meetings with Greenpeace representatives. At the same time, they completely lost control of the discussions on social networks.
Only a year later, when Nestle suffered significant losses due to lack of control in social media, it hired a new SMM manager and completely changed its strategy of communication with the target audience. Communication with consumers was carried out almost 24 hours a day. As a result, Nestle (as they now claim) uses only certified butter.
This story shows how big a blow to a reputation can be when the whole world learns about an issue overnight. Engaging with critical audiences is more effective than trying to avoid discussions on social media.
The principle of transparency means that you and your employees:
publicly discuss current events, products and existing issues;
accept public criticism openly and do not try to hide it;
Constantly ask your audience for feedback.
7 Key Principles of Online Brand Reputation Management
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