What Is a Cold Email?
Does Timing Matter for Email Marketing
Best Time to Send Cold Emails Research
What Is the Best Day of the Week to Send Cold Emails
When Is a Good Time to Send a Cold Email?
Our Conclusion: Research Your Industry
Things to Consider When Choosing a Time to Send Cold Email
Final Word
When it comes to sending cold emails, timing is nearly as important as crafting amazing content.
Think about it, you might spend hours creating the perfect message and a killer subject line to accompany it—but,pakistan telemarketing send it at the wrong time and it might not get noticed.
Understanding the best time to send cold emails is critical to the success of your campaigns.
The problem is that different studies report different results, so it’s hard to say exactly when the best time is.
That’s why this guide looks at findings from four recent studies on this topic. Hopefully, this will help you identify the perfect time to send cold emails and boost your campaign engagement.
But to begin with, let’s remind you of some of the basics of cold email campaigns.
What Is a Cold Email?
Does Timing Matter for Email Marketing
Best Time to Send Cold Emails Research
What Is the Best Day of the Week to Send Cold Emails
When Is a Good Time to Send a Cold Email?
Our Conclusion: Research Your Industry
Things to Consider When Choosing a Time to Send Cold Email
Final Word
What Is a Cold Email?
Sometimes known as a cold outreach email, a cold email is any message to someone who doesn’t know your brand in which you ask them to do something.
There are plenty of examples of when you might use a cold email:
To ask the person to buy or consider your product or service.
To ask to partner with another brand by having them build backlinks to your website.
To recruit people.
For this article, we’re going to assume you know the basics. But if you want to find out more, check out our article on cold outreach.
Does Timing Matter for Email Marketing?
Yes, it does. And as mentioned above, get it wrong and your message won’t get noticed.
To put this into context, let’s think about how we check our emails.
If you’re like me, by Friday afternoon you just want to finish up for the weekend. I usually ignore any low-priority emails at this time and I avoid reading work emails on the weekend.
Then Monday morning arrives. I’m focused on the week ahead; any low-priority emails from last week get forgotten forever—including (or especially) cold emails.
Poor open rates are spam signals
There’s another reason why people ignore your cold emails—that’s because your domain may have been blacklisted by spam filters.
The problem is that email servers can’t read messages to decide whether they are spam or not. Instead, they use signals from their users.
These signals include:
Whether people mark your messages as spam.
When many recipients delete them without opening.
When they mostly ignore your emails.
If too many people ignore your cold emails, spam filters might start blocking your campaign altogether.
Best Time to Send Cold Emails Research
Now you’re up to speed on the basics of cold email campaigns, let’s look at those research studies mentioned in the introduction.
They are:
Best Time to Send an Email: User Data Study by Industry by Brevo
2023 Email Marketing Benchmarks by GetResponse
The Best Time To Send Emails by Omnisend
The Best Time to Send an Email by Hubspot
The results of all four studies were published in 2022 or 2023.
What Is the Best Day of the Week to Send Cold Emails?
The studies generally agree that weekdays are the best days to send cold emails. But there is some variation on which day is most effective.