This article is a continuation of Getting to Know Search Engines (Part One) .
Copywriters must create content for rcs data vietnam client that will make their site the top result possible. This is done through a number of factors, such as fresh content, text uniqueness, SEO meta tags, sitemap, and others (the total list exceeds 200 criteria):
Fresh content
Google goes through the sites again and again in a very short time interval. The search engine crawls the sites and analyzes which of them have fresh content, i.e. publish new text content on the site as often as possible. In this way, the site is reported as active, respectively quality
Unique content – “Unique content”
In the first 10 years of the 21st century, the Internet was dominated by the massive copy-paste practice, in which one site published one piece of content, and all the others republished it, and who the original source was remained a mystery for two reasons: – this was not tracked; – no one cared; This was far from happening only on media sites, but on all kinds of thematic sites – from fan pages of various cartoon characters to those about physics and astronautics. However, Google put a final end to this practice in 2011 when it introduced the new Google Panda algorithm, which analyzes text content and its original source. The new robot encourages sites that regularly publish fresh and unique content by raising them in the search results and accordingly punishes “thieves” by dragging them down, and sometimes even removing them from the results.