How can you increase this figure

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How can you increase this figure

Post by hasanthouhid0 »

Communication with recipients of samples after the promotion via personal communication channels. Depending on the purpose of the promotion, you can send either a stimulating offer for the first purchase, or a survey on whether you liked the product, or a request to share your impressions of the testing.

This can be done using automated tools: automatic robot dialing using speech training directors email lists synthesis for a short dialogue and decoding calls into text , using SMS API for sending out stimulating offers or sending out surveys.

Place a QR code on the packaging that leads to a website where you can either read about the product from the sample or order it.

Place a promo code for the first purchase of a sample on the packaging.

Place a call to action on the packaging to share a review of the product to increase awareness of it and, indirectly, conversion to a purchase or order.

A company that conducted cheese sampling through an online store was unhappy with the results: the number of first purchases among customers who received samples was below the benchmark and amounted to 25%.


The company was asked to connect the SMS API and organize a cascade mailing. Communication included an automatic call from a robot using speech synthesis , asking "Did you like the product?", and sending a message with an incentive offer for the first purchase to those customers who answered positively to the robot's question.


+30% to the initial conversion received.

Collecting feedback on the quality of the new product.
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