customer feels insecure or hesitant, they won’t buy.

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customer feels insecure or hesitant, they won’t buy.

Post by mdsah5125344 »

Via live chat, you can give more information and add value so the customer understands the product better and buys. It’s similar to a shop assistant approaching someone browsing the shelves at a physical store with, “Did you know these sweaters are made of llama wool?” to spark interest.

2. Proactively help on high-intent pages
Pages like pricing, checkout, terms and conditions, and returns are list of qatar cell phone numbers your money pages. They’re too important to be left only to self-service. If the

That’s why engaging them at these crucial points of their journey can make or break the deal. Offer to answer questions and provide extra information to reassure them it’s safe to do business with you.

Or even offer deals if people stay on a product page too long. The live chat can work as an additional attention-grabbing popup CTA.

To initiate a genuinely helpful proactive chat that isn’t too intrusive:

Don’t barge in too soon. Give people time to feel the need for help. Set your chat triggers considering the average time spent on the page.
Personalize. Create different chat scenarios for each page. Thus, the visitor will get the most relevant message and information for the page they’re on.
Be ready to escalate. If you use chatbots for this, prepare them to hand over to support agents if things get complicated. A real person will better handle a frustrated customer than a bot.


3. Make it multichannel
Not all chat conversations with customers will result in a sale and that’s ok. Sometimes people are just not ready to commit. But it doesn’t mean they should never hear from you again.

Before closing a chat, offer people to subscribe to your newsletter. Embed the signup form directly in the chat box to make it as easy as possible. It’s a creative email list building tactic and a lead generation tool.

Or ask for their contact information and consent to alert them when the product they wanted is back in stock. It can be done over email, SMS, or WhatsApp. This way, you’re getting one more chance to reconnect and convert.
On the other hand, if you’re willing to go the extra mile, you can promote your live chat service on social media (with a Start a chat button) or in your email marketing like Estée Lauder does.

live chat example by estee lauder
4. Nurture leads every time they visit your website
In addition to customer engagement, one nifty live chat function is the ability to catch returning visitors and follow up on previous exchanges whenever they come back to browse again. Your sales team can use the chat history as a reference point to engage leads.
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