What are severely vulnerable clients

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What are severely vulnerable clients

Post by pappu827 »

. Large families : all families with three or more minors in their care.
Pensioners: This category includes retired people or those with permanent disability from the Social Security System who receive the minimum pension . If they have another source of income, the annual amount of this cannot exceed €500.
Beneficiaries of the Minimum Vital Income : either the consumer or a member of the cohabitation unit.

A severely vulnerable customer is considered to be a person who holds a regulated tariff contract (PVPC) and is in one of the following situations:

Annual income less than or equal to 50% of the vulnerable consumer scales, adding , if applicable, the increase for cases in which the special circumstances mentioned in the previous point occur.
Large families with an annual income less than twice the IPREM (€16,800).
Pensioners: all members of the cohabitation unit list of yemen consumer email be retired or permanently disabled persons from the Social Security System who receive the minimum pension and have an annual income lower than or equal to the IPREM (€8,400)
Beneficiaries of the Minimum Vital Income: with an annual income less than or equal to 50% of the vulnerable consumer scales.
Severely vulnerable people at risk of social exclusion
Furthermore, if the social services of a regional or local administration are responsible for at least 50% of the electricity bill of a severely vulnerable consumer, this supply becomes a risk of social exclusion.


What is the thermal social bonus?
In addition, beneficiaries of the electricity social bonus are beneficiaries of the thermal social bonus . This bonus, approved for the first time in October 2018 with Royal Decree-Law 15/2018 , is an aid proposed by the Government so that vulnerable families can cope with bills related to heating, hot water and cooking (whether gas or electric).

The thermal social bonus is intended to complement the electricity social bonus. For this reason, the main requirement to be able to access it is to be a beneficiary of the electric social bonus as of December 31 of the previous year.

This aid is paid annually in the first quarter of each year. In 2023, the Government has increased the budget for the thermal social bonus and it is estimated that vulnerable households will receive between €40 and €375, depending on the user's level of vulnerability and the climatic zone where the household is located.
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