Setting up targeted Facebook advertising via a mobile app
And yes, the social network itself has a simple interface for launching this advertising through the Instagram or Facebook application interface. Just select the post you want to advertise and click the "Create Ad" button .
The "Advantage Creative" checkbox will allow you to enable changing the current creative for other types of advertising placement, changing and adding music, adding effects to the video and changing the text.
Next, you can select your audience settings and custom ad type.
On Facebook, advertising for loans, employment, real estate, elections, and politics and social advertising has limitations - you need to pass a business check and you cannot change age and gender in targeting (they are set as broad as possible).
When selecting audiences, you can upload previously created audiences or edit an existing one on the fly.
Next, select the placement or where the ad will be shown (placement locations). By default, this depends on the selected platform.
And then you specify the advertising saudi arabia phone number list budget and the duration.
On Instagram, the interface is similar - you need to select the desired post and click the " Promote " button.
Настройка таргетированной рекламы через Instagram
After your account is verified, you will be asked to select an advertising objective:
More profile visits.
More site visits.
More messages.
вам будет предложено выбрать цель рекламы
This will affect how the bottom of the ad post looks.
Next, create audiences as usual:
select regions (country level or radius of the audience's real location). This interface is only available in the Instagram mobile app - select a specific region of the audience's residence.
Specify interests - here you need to specify only those that are definitely interesting to you. Interests here are what publics your audience likes and views and what search queries they entered (or said out loud). Yes, yes, Meta is watching us and very successfully. Take advantage of it.
Местоположение, интересы, возраст и пол
Next, you need to select the budget and duration of your advertising for the desired target audience and launch it.
нужно выбрать бюджет и продолжительность вашей рекламы
Today, this is the easiest way to launch advertising - it requires minimal skills. And everything depends only on what content and what text is used in the advertising.
Setting up targeted advertising on TikTok
TikTok has a similar system. You create a business account, to which you can attach a number of advertising accounts.
The advertising accounts themselves exist separately from the profiles.
Настройка таргетированной рекламы в TikTok
The advertising account is very similar to the similar account on Facebook.
Рекламный кабинет TikTok
The same advertising setup hierarchy is used as in Facebook.
Campaign - allows you to combine several ad groups. You can set up a strategy and budget,
Ad group - here you can set up targeting conditions (audiences and spending limits).
Advertisements - here there can be separate videos for advertising. Here you can choose one or another creative for advertising.
The goals of the TikTok advertising campaign are as follows:
Reach is showing to the largest possible audience.
Video views - showing mainly to those who watch the video to the end.
Traffic - r to get clicks on the site.
Account engagement is a bit more advanced than views, focusing on those who subscribe more often, visit your profile, and interact with links in your ad.
App promotion - aimed at installing apps and returning to perform actions in apps.
Lead generation - through instant forms in TikTok and also collecting forms on your website.
In the trading sphere, we were only interested in the first three. After all, our goal was to increase the loyal audience of subscribers to our videos.
But we quickly realized that blocking in many countries is very different, and the only country where it worked was Qatar. Forex, binary options, crypto trading is almost everywhere on TikTok and you won’t be able to advertise it directly before blocking.
To do this, we recommend creating simple educational content and promoting it, while publishing content related to your main niche irregularly on the channel and then “hiding” it. Or motivating users to move to another platform where you are already teaching your audience trading.
Setting up targeted advertising in Google Ads
Yes, targeted advertising in Google Ads exists. In fact, there are several types of advertising that you can set up:
advertising in the contextual display network (CDN);
video advertising (Instream and Discovery).
The operating principle is no different from the settings of targeted advertising on Facebook and Instagram. To set up, you will need to register an account in Google Ads and confirm your payment profile.
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