Screenshot of H&M website

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Screenshot of H&M website

Post by arzina544 »

There was only one website that used passive consent. This website displayed a small information bar at the bottom of the screen, stating that cookies were automatically measured when using the website. This notification could be closed (which automatically granted consent), but there was no option to disable cookies. Fortunately, this was the only example of a cookie notification that is in direct contradiction with current legislation.

Better cookie notifications: H&M and Nespresso
'How should it be done then?' you are probably wondering. As mentioned above, there were only two websites where none of the three problematic cookie practices occurred. In figure 5 you can see the cookie notification from H&M.

Image 5. Cookie notification from H&M, obtained on 19-02-2021.

The positive thing about this cookie notification is that consent is clearly given voluntarily. Refusing cookies is just as easy as accepting cookies. The buttons are the same size, and the action you perform is the same. You can also use the website on your desktop without responding to the notification, although it still takes up quite a bit of space on the left side of the screen. On mobile, this is effectively a mild cookie wall, because the notification takes up almost the entire screen.

At Nespresso (image 6), the notification on laos telegram data desktop is even more pleasant because it is at the bottom of the page. This allows you to use the website better without responding to the cookie notification. Again, this only applies to desktop users, because on mobile the notification is so large that it takes up almost the entire screen. In this notification too, it is just as easy to accept cookies as to refuse them, namely by pressing a single button.

Screenshot of the Nespresso website.
Image 6. Cookie notification from Nespresso, obtained on 22-02-2021.


Best practice
What is a truly user-friendly cookie notification? This can be seen in image 7. The buttons for rejecting and accepting cookies here are equally large and equally clear. It is therefore just as easy to accept cookies as to reject them. The website can be used well without responding to the notification, because the notification is at the bottom of the screen and takes up little space.

Furthermore, it is possible to click away the notification. Then only necessary cookies are stored. It is also possible to further personalize the settings in this notification. By clicking on this, a bar appears at the bottom of the notification where you can turn specific cookies on or off. This is therefore on the same page, with as few additional actions as possible. Feel free to copy this cookie notification on your own website.
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