Example: the search for a trampoline

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Example: the search for a trampoline

Post by arzina544 »

A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers. When creating your buyer persona(s), consider including customer demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, and goals. The more detailed you are, the better. – HubSpot

I was recently looking for a trampoline. Why was I looking for one? I have three kids and I notice that they love to get rid of their energy on a trampoline. My thought: it would be great if they would jump around on the trampoline before dinner, exhaust themselves, then eat and go to bed satisfied and tired (my personal extra motivation). This cast in a customer or target group description: families, with children aged 5 to 14. Target group parents (m/f, between 25-40).

My first thought after a quick online search: there are so many types, brands and options. I am overwhelmed with information. It struck me that the sites I visited did not have a good inbound marketing approach. Why not? The content offered is not written for the parent, I am not guided through it to my actual goal and there is no information gathering for a quick selection. With the right strategy I would have been guided more in my purchasing process. Now I dropped out and because there was not a party that fully convinced me and answered the questions I had. I clearly missed the basis of a good inbound marketing strategy here. What content do you use where and for what purpose? With the right content I could have been guided to a purchase, since I am low-hanging fruit for them.

Where does inbound fit into your marketing iraq telegram data strategy?
The goal of a solid strategy is to reach your target audience at the right time with the right message. One of the components is your inbound approach. This focuses on the content you already have and can still create to promote contact with your target audience. An inbound marketing strategy can be divided into a number of steps.


Determine target group and goals.
Create, edit and reuse content.
Determine in which phase you show which content.
Analyze and optimize.
Determining target audience for inbound marketing
There is probably a group you want to reach with the company you work for (or your own company). Make sure you describe the group in a way that you can do something with it. Look at the example above of my trampoline search. Determining the high over person is important for the rest of your approach.
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