TeamWork will be the key to knowing the status of the work

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TeamWork will be the key to knowing the status of the work

Post by rejoana89 »

Adapting to new ways of doing business and developing your business activity by investing in digitalization. Here are some recommendations to help you increase your sales and business opportunities from home. Organization above all Organization is essential for everything to work. To do this, having tools for organizing work such as Trello or.

These allow you to assign tasks, set a start and end date, send messages with questions if you get stuck on a task, share information, set labels... A way for all employees to be connected to each other and know russia telegram data the status of each task, to know when it is their turn to enter. Within the organization, it is also important to talk about protocols. Each department must have established work protocols:


How the work is presented, who validates it, how it is delivered, how queries are reported, etc. Imagine that you receive work by email, others by communication tools such as Slack, and others by phone. It would be chaos, don't you think? Be very clear about your goals It may seem obvious, but it is important that both you and your team know at all times what is happening, and if there is any change of direction in terms of the development of the strategy or business activity .
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