An exit intent popup gives your prospect another chance to buy your product. It essentially says, “Wait, are you sure you want to leave? Let me sweeten your drink.”
You can create exit popups with Hello Bar to invite readers to stay. Offer a coupon code or other incentive to make a purchase. has created an ingenious log out popup that displays when you try to leave a certain page.
eCommerce optimization with exit intent
This is "spin to win."
When we did the spin , it hit the 15% discount. presented this screen:
Exit Intent Discount Popup - Ecommerce Optimization
Even if you don't want to buy something now, you can save the offer by entering your email address . Note the unusual and effective call to action: "Get 15% off."
7. Use CTA buttons as often as possible to increase e-commerce conversions
Speaking of calls to action, you need good calls to action if you want your eCommerce optimization process to produce results. Your CTA buttons should inspire and delight your audience.
Ideally, you should use unique language. Overstock's example illustrates this perfectly: "Unlock 15% Off." It's creative and authoritative.
You don’t want to assume that a CTA button will work. Be sure whatsapp number malaysia to A/B test your calls to action as often as possible to see which ones are more compelling to your audience.
Hello Bar allows you to automatically A/B test your CTAs. Once the software has collected enough data, it will tell you which version “wins.”
You may also like:
Ways to Use Calls to Action (CTAs) in Your Marketing Strategy
Different Types of Calls to Action and How to Use Them Effectively
8. Allow customers to checkout as guests to reduce cart abandonment and improve e-commerce optimization.
We have already briefly touched on this issue before, but it deserves special attention.
When you require customers to register as members of your site before they can buy anything, you create additional barriers for them. Now they have to verify their email addresses, fill out more form fields, and spend more time.
Plus, you're asking for information that isn't strictly necessary for the transaction. That's why GDPR exists. Consumers want more control over how, why, and when their personal information is collected.
Allow potential customers to buy as guests. You will significantly improve your conversion rates.