Strategies used by businesses to promote a brand in foreign markets often have serious flaws in multilingual communication.
The internationalization of companies and the level of connection between different markets, with different traditions, and therefore, different languages, is a reality that every entrepreneur who wants to scale businesses has to embrace.
Greater access to the Internet and the development of new communication technologies, platform economies, the process of digital transformation and Industry 4.0 are making everyone more connected.
If you don't believe me, go to any e-commerce site and see how that algorithm, which was developed thousands of miles away from your home, shows you exactly what you want, and in your language. How about that?
However, before thinking about going global, you have to djibouti email list 20611 contact leads think about internationalization strategies for companies that use Digital Marketing and have a clear plan to get started.
And it is obvious: if I want to sell to a market , I have to communicate with it and like it, precisely to generate more business opportunities , so the action of professionals with technical knowledge in languages is essential. That is the first point that we have to be clear about.
In this article I explain why you should think of translation as a strategic partner to help you become a global business. Will you join me in reading this article?
Importance of translation in Digital Marketing
Translating is a cognitive, complex activity that aims to decode messages from a source language into a target language . This is no secret to any professional working in the field.
And, as with any activity that generates a tangible product , this has well-defined processes:
initial reading,
creation of glossaries and search for reference sources,
review and
It seems simple and straightforward. However, to do this job well, it takes several hours of study, many alignments between translator and client , understanding the target audience and having knowledge of the target culture .
Marketing professionals , does this sound familiar? I'm sure it does!
If I get a little academic, an author named Venuti tells us that the translator must be invisible, always working from the shadows, and that the target reader must feel that the text was written in that language.
Controversial, and we could philosophize a lot about it. In fact, because his work is based more on the literary world than on ours, related to lead generation , metrics and sales.
However, how much of this statement is true when we refer to multilingual content, for example?
One thing I am sure of: there are several examples where the visible absence of the translator has had unsightly results, in markets other than the original product. This is one of the many problems of globalization, which brings me to the next point.