How to manage crises well and maintain a balanced corporate image
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:45 am
Although unwanted, a brand crisis can be reversed if the company manages to identify it in time and implement good crisis management by adopting an emergency plan with good practices.
Crisis. Every time that word comes up, it causes shivers and worries, doesn’t it? Just like in a country’s economy or even in a marriage, a brand crisis can shake up structures and create a lot of uncertainties.
Faced with this moment of uncertainty, many companies do not know how to proceed.
After all, is it possible to reduce the number of comments dubai email list 31062 contact leads ecuador email list 1.3 million contact leads about the case? Or, on the contrary, is it better to face the problems publicly? And what is the role of social media in this whole story?
Answering these questions is a challenge for all organizations facing turbulence. So if you are going through this moment or want to be aware of future problems, you have come to the right place.
With the information you will see here, it will be clear how you should position your brand before, during and after a brand crisis.
This will be essential to maintaining your reputation and continuing to develop customer loyalty .
What is crisis management?
It is the management of a crisis through a process that seeks to correct the impacts caused by adversity, avoiding or minimizing damage to the organization, preserving its reputation in the market .
In many cases, this is a broad administrative process involving several or even all areas of the company, as well as their respective managers. Typically, a committee is created and a leader is appointed who will coordinate the team to overcome the challenges posed by the emergency.
Together, the crisis management committee members define the next steps to take in various areas, such as legal, operations, product, finance, human resources, marketing , etc.
There are even companies that have a crisis manual prepared in advance, which facilitates recovery.
Furthermore, as we have already mentioned, a brand crisis always affects the company's image in front of its stakeholders .
It is therefore essential to have a communication plan, which can be developed by the internal team and even by a public relations agency or press office.
By the way, when there is a crisis manual, it is usually prepared by communication professionals.
What are the key moments of a brand crisis?
Shall we continue to delve deeper into the issue of the "brand crisis"? The more familiar you are with its characteristics, the easier it will be to identify the moment your business is going through.
As a result, you will take the necessary measures at the right time, avoiding money losses and damage to the company's image. So, take a look at the phases of a crisis and the moments that make up each one of them.
Crisis. Every time that word comes up, it causes shivers and worries, doesn’t it? Just like in a country’s economy or even in a marriage, a brand crisis can shake up structures and create a lot of uncertainties.
Faced with this moment of uncertainty, many companies do not know how to proceed.
After all, is it possible to reduce the number of comments dubai email list 31062 contact leads ecuador email list 1.3 million contact leads about the case? Or, on the contrary, is it better to face the problems publicly? And what is the role of social media in this whole story?
Answering these questions is a challenge for all organizations facing turbulence. So if you are going through this moment or want to be aware of future problems, you have come to the right place.
With the information you will see here, it will be clear how you should position your brand before, during and after a brand crisis.
This will be essential to maintaining your reputation and continuing to develop customer loyalty .
What is crisis management?
It is the management of a crisis through a process that seeks to correct the impacts caused by adversity, avoiding or minimizing damage to the organization, preserving its reputation in the market .
In many cases, this is a broad administrative process involving several or even all areas of the company, as well as their respective managers. Typically, a committee is created and a leader is appointed who will coordinate the team to overcome the challenges posed by the emergency.
Together, the crisis management committee members define the next steps to take in various areas, such as legal, operations, product, finance, human resources, marketing , etc.
There are even companies that have a crisis manual prepared in advance, which facilitates recovery.
Furthermore, as we have already mentioned, a brand crisis always affects the company's image in front of its stakeholders .
It is therefore essential to have a communication plan, which can be developed by the internal team and even by a public relations agency or press office.
By the way, when there is a crisis manual, it is usually prepared by communication professionals.
What are the key moments of a brand crisis?
Shall we continue to delve deeper into the issue of the "brand crisis"? The more familiar you are with its characteristics, the easier it will be to identify the moment your business is going through.
As a result, you will take the necessary measures at the right time, avoiding money losses and damage to the company's image. So, take a look at the phases of a crisis and the moments that make up each one of them.