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The importance of app control by parents and guardians

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:57 am
by asimd17
Children nowadays grow up with smartphones and tablets, so sooner or later their curiosity leads them to want to use them. There are currently a huge number of applications for the little ones to play with these devices.

But before young children start playing with screens, parents should be familiar with the app they are using and not just rely on the age recommendation for it, explains the German initiative “Schau hin!” (“Look carefully!”). It also points out that recommended ages should not be confused with educational recommendations. In other words, they do not provide information about the quality of the app ’s content .

What should parents pay attention to when testing an app?
Apps should be structured in a simple facebook data way and related to the children's world of reference. An example is children's book apps, which delve deeper into the content with some game elements.

Furthermore, the size and content of the apps should be appropriate to the age and prior knowledge of the children. That is why it is important that they are well designed and intuitive.

Fast or flashing animations, for example, are not suitable, as they can quickly stress out a child. Whereas a clear and defined end to the app helps the child not to lose track of time while playing.

Of course, apps must be free of violent or disturbing content. On the other hand, and to protect parents' wallets, apps should not include advertising or the option to make in-app purchases.


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They should also not contain links to other apps. And ideally, gaming apps should work without the Internet.

Playing with the child
After trying out the app, parents should play with their children when they use it for the first time. According to Iren Schulz, media coach for the “Schau hin!” initiative, this exchange about what is seen on the screen is especially important for younger children.

According to her, repetitions help the child understand the content and development of the game. On the other hand, it is good for parents to be close to see how the child interacts with the app and if he feels overexerted.