Burberry has a viral marketing feature, check it out below

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Burberry has a viral marketing feature, check it out below

Post by shakil015 »

12. Find your solution wizard
We’ve all seen custom build-your-own quiz options. You can take advantage of this feature in an unconventional way by making it an interview process.

Guide your customers step by step through a series of questions about their product choice, then show some personalized product recommendations.

Your customers feel like they are getting a tailored mexico reverse phone lookup solution, and you get some free market research on what your audience is thinking, plus some more sales too!

13. Send to a friend 2.0
Most ecommerce sites these days have a share button for sharing the page or products to their social media. Upgrade your share features to 2.0 with a custom ’Send a Friend’ dialog.


You can highlight your e-commerce store while helping someone express something to a friend or loved one. When positive emotions are involved, positive sales usually follow!

14. Offer negotiable pricing
Here’s another tip, use a negotiation tool for pricing. This may sound crazy, but it shows you are willing to work with your customers to make them happy.

One word of advice, if you haven’t been at the negotiation table lately, be sure to set some lower limits. And remember there will always be low-ball offers, so don’t get upset, often people simply want to see how low you will go. By setting reasonable limits, you can make more sales, and have fun in the process!

Modnique: You have the possibility to make an offer for an item.
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