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Now why is this so incredibly interesting?

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:16 am
by arzina221
Marketing through car windows
The innovative windscreen , with all possible techniques, should make driving considerably safer. If we no longer have to look at the dashboard, we can keep our eyes on the road. Or on the windscreen actually, because augmented reality is the next step. An interactive navigation system on the windscreen , including all relevant data that the driver needs (think of the maximum speed, ETA and the outside temperature).

Handy, certainly for the average marketer. Because what happens if we add new POI data to this navigation system? For example, a gas station with warm rolls for the motorist who left home much later than usual and probably missed breakfast? Or showing amusement parks at Points of Interest when the car is used on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon?

What about distractions while driving?
The interactive and innovative windshield is not only praised. There are enough people who wonder how exactly distraction works. However, the chances are that distraction will actually decrease. If all information is displayed on the windshield, we will never have to look at the dashboard or the temperature gauge again. Our eyes remain focused on the road.

Admittedly, it will take some getting used to, because just switching from a traditional car to a car with an innovative windshield can be difficult. Fortunately, the ADAS systems already offer a transition phase, so that we can gradually get used to more information on the windshield.

Also read: The future of car windows: connected & interactive
But isn't windshield advertising dangerous while driving? Of course, you don't want to have a life-size McDonald's advertisement on your windshield while driving, making it impossible to see the road. Windshield advertising is being presented in a much more subtle way . At the moment, drivers have to take their eyes off the road to see how much fuel they have. If this is too low, they have to actively search for the nearest gas station. That's where personalized windshield advertising aims to bring innovation.

If the fuel level is too low, this is indicated on the windscreen with a small pop-up. And a route is also offered to the nearest stations. In the blink of an eye, the driver can see what the prices are at each gas station and where they can drink a free cup of coffee, for example. With one simple click on the desired gas station, a route is mapped out and the driver can fill up his car and enjoy the free cup of coffee.

But we have many more car windows
There is so much more we can do with the windshield, until the self-driving car is here – and that will take years, since the technology is still far from perfect. Fortunately, there are more car windows. Like the side windows in the back of the car. These are often used by children of various ages who do not always feel like a (long) car ride. What happens if we can play films or let the passengers play games here?

Then there is a high degree of ease of use, the journey becomes a lot easier and – why not – we once again have a place where we can show advertisements.

This could be the setup that YouTube is already using. Short interruptions with relevant advertisements that are aimed at the viewer and of course the location of the car based on the geo-tag . This makes the chance of interaction many times greater than when an advertisement for a toy store appears on the screen while a child is lounging on the couch watching television.

Advertisements for children have recently been restricted, which means that the infotainment system must know the age of the occupants. A challenge for the marketers of the future, especially in determining how interesting this option really is.


And that will yield 750 billion in a short time
International marketing agency McKinsey & Co predicts that this market will be worth 750 billion within 10 years . These are figures that marketers can get excited about. Remember that these hong kong telegram data are not future prospects. Concrete applications are within reach. For example, Hyundai has developed a program that reduces insurance premiums for people who drive little or are good drivers. And GM's Marketplace App offers discounts on fuel at local gas stations when the tank is empty.

Behavioral patterns, together with current location and preference settings, form all the information a marketer needs to set up relevant advertisements for a specific target. And it goes much further. Because if you can combine this information with, for example, traffic information, current temperature, vacation times and the way in which a motorist uses the car, then we have an invaluable sea of ​​information.


The consumer will never agree to that
'Privacy' is a big issue in these developments. However, it is likely that a strong legal framework plus benefits for the consumer (discount on fuel, a pop-up from your favorite roadside restaurant, etc.) will ensure that car users will easily change their minds.

However, it is up to the marketer to ensure that the advertising is content that is intended to help the driver further. Then in-car advertising itself is the most potential market for the next five years.