The need to protect financial transactions from hackers is becoming increasingly evident . It is not only a question of ensuring the security of payments, but also of data flows that can be highly sensitive. Improper access can provide the basis for planning various types of crimes, even beyond financial fraud itself .
And in this context, the problem is clear: hackers can take advantage of flaws in the IT security system and cause serious damage to companies. However, there democratic republic of the congo email list
are good practices that can be implemented before transactions to limit the risks of intrusion . The aim is to create the climate of trust necessary for collaboration between the various actors involved.
Start of marked textSHARE! Hackers are stalking your financial transactions. Take note of the best measures to protect yourself from financial fraud!End of marked text
Ensuring traceability of financial flows
“First, ask your IT manager to map out the company’s financial flows to monitor the payment chain from A to Z,” recommends José Teixeira, director of cash management and e-banking at Sage. “At each stage of money transfers, you need to know which entity is processing the request and check whether its security is adequately guaranteed.”
Accounting, payroll and treasury solutions and services must be able to provide all information related to the company's financial transactions. In any case, if an element of the device ever fails, it is important to act quickly. In such a situation, do not hesitate to change service or software providers and increase the level of data encryption to protect your company.
In this sense, having Sage XRT Treasury offers additional guarantees. It allows you to sign and send your collection and payment remittances to banks with the utmost confidence.
Ultimately, you want to know where a problem has arisen or could arise . If you've been the victim of financial fraud, you'll see the point from which hackers have attacked you. And even if it hasn't happened yet, you can leverage the data to analyze vulnerabilities.
Delimiting access rights to transactions
Once the payment plan has been established, make sure that access to confidential files is restricted . “Limiting access to strategic operations to a defined number of collaborators significantly reduces the risk of sensitive information being leaked or stolen ,” Teixeira points out.
On the other hand, Teixeira adds: “ The simplest thing is to create a list of people authorised to issue orders and to delimit their privileges .” Therefore, transfers and the number of daily operations must be limited. In addition, banking powers must be continuously monitored by an internal audit.
Lists can greatly help in your fight against financial fraud, as they allow you to simplify protocols and focus attention on the most vulnerable points.
It also establishes a list of the people in charge of validating the transactions with their digital signature and marks each operation with an indication of the date and time for tracking purposes.
Keeping up to date with best practices against financial fraud
Also, consider updating the privileges of your employees who are authorized to make transfers. This will help you detect any anomalies. “Sometimes, some companies forget to remove access rights from former employees, who then retain their ability to access payment stations,” says the Sage expert.
This example illustrates very well the importance of keeping good practices up to date . Failing to revoke access rights is a negligence that will cause you problems if the former employee decides to use their authorization for malicious purposes.
Good practices to protect your finances from hackers
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