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Trust the knowledge you have in-house

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 7:14 am
by arzina221
Not an easy job
It is unpleasant to have to make decisions about matters of which you have insufficient or incomplete knowledge. At the same time, the fact that you cannot make good decisions is evidence of insufficient good management. And if the top does not know, then the rest of the organization will also fail.

As a board, you should therefore not only focus on the means and the application, but also on the surrounding ecosystem of digital innovation. 'The journey itself is the destination,' said Confucius. If you first learn to walk, you will automatically arrive at A or B. For digital innovation, it is all about first learning what (for example) the characteristics of an innovative app are. The process itself is therefore also a desirable outcome.

Now, as a board member, it is not possible to master all of this. But the great thing is: there is often more knowledge in the organization than is expected in advance. After all: you do not hire experts in your organization to tell them what to do, you hire experts who can tell you what to do. The disruptors of our time are the organizations with a bottom-up strategy.

The disruptors of our time are the organizations with a bottom-up strategy.

The boardroom listens to the ideas of employees taiwan telegram data from different disciplines and teams. As a boardroom, you give part of the strategy back to these heroes on the work floor. They are ultimately the catalyst for digital innovation and are the ideal candidates for a multidisciplinary working group focused on innovation.

As a board, you stimulate your innovators by:


focus on the process: how do we achieve innovation?
omni-disciplinary approach: involving stakeholders across the organization
learning in an iterative process: it doesn't have to be perfect the first time
investing in a learning curve: budget time for your employees too
Start small, develop faster
Innovation is doing, the history of Apple and the iPhone teaches us. Start fast and small and let the good energy flow. Getting everything right in one go? That doesn't really exist. But by seeing it as a process that you can improve, you can also optimize quickly.

The degree of digital innovation is determined by the learning curves at individual level and at team level and the intensity of collaboration. It requires knowledge and experience to bring the necessary stakeholders into the right mode and that requires specific leadership from vision, a focus on process and collaboration and focus on the learning curve of people instead of the results in resources.