10 tips to successfully resume your job search after the summer

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10 tips to successfully resume your job search after the summer

Post by sakib36 »

Set a timetable and schedule your tasks. Putting order and method into practice will help us get back into the habit of looking for a job. The first thing is to get a diary and establish a daily routine of actions. As if we were dealing with subjects, we will write down each one of them in a time frame (these do not have to be identical every day, but we can vary the order and nature of them to avoid falling into monotony). Example:
8 -9. Shower and breakfast.
9-9.30. Check out job offers on job portals. Identify the ones that interest me.
9.30-10.30. Write personalized motivation letters for mexico phone number data each offer that suits my profile, editing my CV if necessary, and send my application.
10.30-11.00. Social Networks. Search for contacts and information of interest.
11.00. Break…


This calendar will help us to approach the job search as a job in itself and we will feel comforted if we have managed to complete the tasks throughout the day.

Incorporate new things into your job search routine. Once the break is over, it is important to reactivate the search with new motivations. We recommend incorporating different elements that break the routine we had before the summer. For example, if we have never used social networks to look for work, now is the time to do so. Other challenges can be attending fairs and events, proactively sending our CV to companies (and not just signing up for the offers we find on the Internet), going to specialized organizations, doing more sport to promote emotional well-being, etc. There is always something we can do to improve.
Set goals. We certainly took some very useful steps on our path to employment before the holidays, but it's time to set new challenges. We need to find goals that motivate us, which will be as ambitious as we value: getting at least 2 contacts on social networks a day, training in something new to make our CV more attractive, voluntarily contacting a company a week...
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