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How to Make a Selling Website Design - 5 Commandments of a Marketer

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 9:35 am
by samiul123
Most people associate the definition of "quality website design" with beauty. We agree with this approach only partially. Firstly, beauty should be mathematically verified, and secondly, the main characteristic of advertising design is still its ability to set the user up for the necessary conversion actions.

This article will tell you what exactly makes a website “pleasing to the eye” and at the same time promotes sales.

1. Laconicism and simplicity

You can't allow a situation where too many visual elements are fighting for the user's attention. Riot of colors and intricate lines distract the user from the very essence of your offer, and sometimes even make his stay on the site uncomfortable. Such excesses reduce conversion, this is "evil" for most commercial sites.

An experienced designer carefully considers the placement of each element and leaves the necessary amount of "air", i.e., free space. In this case, nothing distracts the potential client from the benefits of the proposed purchase. This increases conversion. Therefore, laconism in selling design is a blessing.

For example, if we had not left enough “air” on the website we developed for the Classic Ballet and Choreography School, the effect of the exquisitely framed form would have been lost and the composition would have been crumpled.

The need for simplification is predetermined by one of the main tasks of advertising design - to manage the user's attention. After all, when creating a website, it is important to correctly calculate how the average user's gaze will move across the web page.

In doing so, we ask ourselves questions:

What should a potential client pay attention to first?
How to emphasize key points?
In what order will the user study the blocks?
By answering these questions, we “lay out” the user’s future path through the uk whatsapp number list site using techniques for focusing attention and arranging elements in accordance with the F-pattern and the laws of composition.
It makes sense that the path from point A (starting to browse the site) to point B (forming a positive judgment about the company and clicking the CTA button) should be clear and simple.

It is also important to remember the profile of the average user. In most cases, this is an adult, constantly tired from work and family concerns. There is a high probability that he perceives the process of familiarization with your site not as a pleasant shopping, but as a household problem that requires a quick solution.

Therefore, the less you test the patience of a person who already lives in a constant information overload, the higher the probability of a conversion action.

So, take the formulation of the offer seriously. A person should understand from the first seconds what exactly you are offering him, and what is the distinctive value of your offer. For example, we formulated such an offer for the landing page of the exam preparation center "Development":


Be concise and let the user's eye focus on the main thing.