Although we are talking about SaaS, it is true that all these factors apply to other industries as well.a must for any business that wants to reach a specific audience and convert potential customers into consumers. However, it is a misconception that marketing in SaaS functions the same way as in other industries. Why? You will learn more in the next topic! What makes SaaS marketing different? Before we can dive into the details of SaaS marketing strategies, it is important to understand how this type of digital advertising differs from any other product or service offering.
For starters, you are offering a product indische nummer whatsapp based on something intangible, meaning the customer cannot touch it, feel it, or place it on the table in front of them. Additionally, it’s not a service that you can immediately see a difference in, like most people would if they hired a contractor to mow their lawn or paint a wall in their office. For your customers to see the value of your SaaS platform, you need to be on a level that understands their various pain points and why your service gives them what they need to thrive.
Once you understand this concept and articulate the specific reasons why your target audience will use your platform, you’re ready to start building your marketing around that message. Makes sense, right? This shift in understanding that you need to consistently push the value perspective is the main reason SaaS marketing is different from other approaches. SaaS Growth Masterclass The Complex Buyer’s Journey Every lead generation and conversion strategy revolves around the buyer’s journey, which is typically divided into three stages: awareness, consideration, and decision. In most markets, this journey is linear. First, a prospect becomes aware of their own problem; then they begin researching and considering different solutions.