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Neuromarketing to increase customer acquisition infographic

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:06 am
by Dhakaseors850
On the other hand, a study by Neuromarketing Labs found that series such as Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones are addictive. Can you imagine creating the same addiction with your content to attract potential customers and retain current ones?

Finally, Pepe Jeans created a video advertisement but had serious doubts about the british mobile phone numbers soundtrack that would represent it. The Spanish company Sociograph was the one who took charge of the matter. To do this, it analyzed the response that people had to music, measuring the electrical activity of the skin . This way, it detected which of them excited the viewer the most. And that was the one chosen.

All of these responses and actions are guided by neuromarketing. In fact, this term, along with experiential marketing, are some of the most commonly used terms today.

Words like neuromarketing, soul marketing, experiential marketing and positive marketing are increasingly popular.

What is neuromarketing?

The term Neuromarketing was coined in 2002 by Professor Ale Smidts . As Roger Dooley points out in his books on neuromarketing, this science is based on the premise that 95% of all our thoughts, emotions and learning happen before we are aware of it. This means that a marketing manager only speaks to 5% of their customers' brains.

So how can neuromarketing be applied to increase customer acquisition as well as sales?

As Jurgen Klaric , an expert in this science, points out, price is not a determining factor when making a purchase. He says that there is no leading brand in the world that bases its strategy solely on price. The important thing is to know how to trade with people's knowledge.

Neuromarketing foundations to increase customer acquisition

To get fully immersed in neuromarketing and learn the keys that will best help you create strategies to attract customers, it is interesting to observe some neuroinsights. And, above all, to apply them to your business:

1.- The eyes do not deceive
neuromarketing to increase customer acquisition heat map

A heat map is a graphical representation of your website using colors that identify the hot zones, that is, those where there is the greatest user interaction.