How Salesforce Helps Marketers Adopt AI
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:24 am
In a recent ‘State of Marketing Report’, Salesforce found that implementing and leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) is both the top priority and biggest challenge for marketers. So how does Salesforce use AI to support customers, and are you keeping up?
Chris Thompson
Chris Thompson
4 mins
3D eBook cover with text A Guide to Salesforce Marketing GPTFree ResourceDownload now
Table of Contents
Barriers to AI adoption
Salesforce Einstein AI Solutions
Benefits of Salesforce AI solutions for marketers
Where to start with adopting Salesforce AI
The findings are clear, AI adoption is a focus for marketers around the world but successfully implementing and using it is another story. According to Salesforce, 75% of marketers are already rolling up their sleeves and experimenting with or fully implementing AI.
Given there’s evidence that some marketers are hesitant to trust AI, 75% is a huge figure! If you’ve been on the fence or concerned about artificial intelligence, now is the time to accept defeat and jump on the bandwagon, because AI isn’t going anywhere.
In fact, the Salesforce research shows AI adoption is stronger among high-performing organisations, which goes to show a correlation between marketing results and the implementation of AI capabilities.
Screenshot of State of Marketing Report State of AI Adoption
Source: Salesforce State of Marketing Report, Ninth Edition
So why is AI adoption such a tricky task? There are a range of reasons.
Barriers to AI adoption
AI is intimidating. The technology is entirely new and comes with confusing jargon like natural language prompts, generative AI, neural networks, etc. Some marketers fear they need to understand the complexities of AI in order to use it (spoiler - they don’t!).
A general lack of trust, particularly when it comes to buy telemarketing data handling personal data. We’ve all seen the dystopian films about AI taking over the world and while this may be a fictional scenario, concern about how AI stores and uses sensitive data is very real.
Copyright and intellectual property concerns. With no real regulatory guidance in place for AI, there are still many grey areas when it comes to compliance.
Lack of strategy - with AI, so much is possible! Simply figuring out where to start with adopting AI can result in decision paralysis, especially for busy marketers under time and resource constraints.
‘Will the machine take my job?’ type of thinking. This one is as old as time. Radio was set to replace the printing press, once upon a time, and while there’s no denying the roles of marketing channels are ever evolving, when it comes to AI, nobody truly knows the extent to which it’ll change how we work. What we do know is that right now, AI can lighten our workload while improving results.
Difficulty learning or using the technology. There are a host of marketing AI tools out there and some are less intuitive than others. A great AI solution though, has considered user experience and ease of adoption.
For Salesforce customers using Marketing Cloud, Sales Cloud, Data Cloud, or anothe
Chris Thompson
Chris Thompson
4 mins
3D eBook cover with text A Guide to Salesforce Marketing GPTFree ResourceDownload now
Table of Contents
Barriers to AI adoption
Salesforce Einstein AI Solutions
Benefits of Salesforce AI solutions for marketers
Where to start with adopting Salesforce AI
The findings are clear, AI adoption is a focus for marketers around the world but successfully implementing and using it is another story. According to Salesforce, 75% of marketers are already rolling up their sleeves and experimenting with or fully implementing AI.
Given there’s evidence that some marketers are hesitant to trust AI, 75% is a huge figure! If you’ve been on the fence or concerned about artificial intelligence, now is the time to accept defeat and jump on the bandwagon, because AI isn’t going anywhere.
In fact, the Salesforce research shows AI adoption is stronger among high-performing organisations, which goes to show a correlation between marketing results and the implementation of AI capabilities.
Screenshot of State of Marketing Report State of AI Adoption
Source: Salesforce State of Marketing Report, Ninth Edition
So why is AI adoption such a tricky task? There are a range of reasons.
Barriers to AI adoption
AI is intimidating. The technology is entirely new and comes with confusing jargon like natural language prompts, generative AI, neural networks, etc. Some marketers fear they need to understand the complexities of AI in order to use it (spoiler - they don’t!).
A general lack of trust, particularly when it comes to buy telemarketing data handling personal data. We’ve all seen the dystopian films about AI taking over the world and while this may be a fictional scenario, concern about how AI stores and uses sensitive data is very real.
Copyright and intellectual property concerns. With no real regulatory guidance in place for AI, there are still many grey areas when it comes to compliance.
Lack of strategy - with AI, so much is possible! Simply figuring out where to start with adopting AI can result in decision paralysis, especially for busy marketers under time and resource constraints.
‘Will the machine take my job?’ type of thinking. This one is as old as time. Radio was set to replace the printing press, once upon a time, and while there’s no denying the roles of marketing channels are ever evolving, when it comes to AI, nobody truly knows the extent to which it’ll change how we work. What we do know is that right now, AI can lighten our workload while improving results.
Difficulty learning or using the technology. There are a host of marketing AI tools out there and some are less intuitive than others. A great AI solution though, has considered user experience and ease of adoption.
For Salesforce customers using Marketing Cloud, Sales Cloud, Data Cloud, or anothe