How to negotiate with the DEVIL in Digital Marketing (includes template)

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How to negotiate with the DEVIL in Digital Marketing (includes template)

Post by samueljon »

Hell is full of greedy people…
And a thousand more sayings… but the truth is that phone number library those of us who make a living from Digital Marketing have to pay the credit card, the loan, the car payment, the movies etc etc etc.

Sometimes professionals in this great discipline don't know how much to charge, or how to do it. If there is a specific project, they don't know how to quote it. Well, that's what I'm here to help them with.

How much does a Community Manager charge?
How to charge on Social Media?
How much to charge for a campaign?
How much does it cost to design a piece? … These are frequently asked questions that I am asked and see in the groups of professionals in this beloved discipline.

Based on research I have conducted, I have considered the average amounts to be charged in Colombia, in other countries they may be similar.
The Devil is not the client, EYE, nor the agencies, much less the suppliers, The Devil is the market that increasingly tempts us to give away our work for much less than what our time is really worth.

I leave you the Digital Marketing Cost Calculation template designed by me.
You only have to adjust the hours in which you perform a task.
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